This sculpture was made in one sitting during intense times preceding the first Iraq war during presidency of George Bush Sr. This was a time of anticipation of war which seemed more and more inevitable with each passing day. While listening to news, I made this sculpture in just one day without ever going back to it since it actually captured everything that I wanted to say. This is a rare experience for my art form, but sometimes you enter the zone and the message and creativity can flow freely through your art.
Est: 1991
*Will be cast in bronze* | Limited Edition of 10
This sculpture was made in one sitting during intense times preceding the first Iraq war during presidency of George Bush Sr. This was a time of anticipation of war which seemed more and more inevitable with each passing day. While listening to news, I made this sculpture in just one day without ever going back to it since it actually captured everything that I wanted to say. This is a rare experience for my art form, but sometimes you enter the zone and the message and creativity can flow freely through your art.
Est: 1991
*Will be cast in bronze* | Limited Edition of 10